Thoughts of a Rambler

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Introducing Akshara

Akshara Rajaram was born on August 23rd 2008. As every dutiful father would do, I have started a website exclusively for her at

Cyprus Travel Blog

The Blog is the one-stop website for all Cyprus related travel information!! Adventures, events, sites to visit, photographs and much much more!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Making money online from blogging

Many people use blogs as a way to earn money online. Blogging has been proven to be a money-spinner as can be seen from the likes of people like problogger, who are the "professional" kind and make a huge amount of money from blogging on various blogs.
One such relatively new entrant to this money making option is kumiko suzuki, a japanese-american girl, who has entered the world of blogging with the sole purpose of making money as is evident from the title of her blog which reads "Make Money Online at Kumiko's Cash Quest".
I am impressed by her progess. I earned 1.8 USD in the first month i implemented adsense, and have improved a little bit now. But, she has already crossed the threshold of more than a hundred dollars a week, just after a few months of blogging.
Okay, my blog's primary purpose is not to make money, but to pen down whatever i can pen down. So, i can't compare and complain.
She writes well, the best thing being that her writing is original and not copy-paste work which many bloggers aiming to make money do. The article on what Britney Spears could could teach you about blogging was excellent.
She has a contest going on her blog which asks readers to predict her Google PageRank when the next update happens. I guess that her blog should get a PR of 4, judging by the links she has from other blogs. Lets hope that she gets a PR of 4 and i win the prize!

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

One dollar a day through Google Adsense

February may be the shortest month, but it has been the biggest for me in terms of Google adsense earnings. I am still not near the million a month figure, but i am close to it. February earnings through Google Adsense were a little more than double that of January's earnings, closing in at almost -------------------- ROL (Romanian Lei) which translates to about XX USD. Another thing to be proud of is the fact that this is the first time i have managed an average of more than one dollar a day for the month. Good going !

Update: Just heard that I am not supposed to disclose my adsense earnings according to the adsense terms and conditions.

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Getting rich through Google Adsense

Well, I am not exactly getting rich, but I am sure earning money through Google Adsense, and lots of it! I earned close a quarter million last month and this month, the earnings have almost gone up by almost 50% bringing my earnings for the month of January to xxxxxxx ROL (Romanian Lei). Slowly, but steadily inching towards the half million mark. I know that I am far away from the million mark, but I am not trying to be too greedy. I am happy with the xx USD that I have earned this month. Maybe, i shall increase the stakes for my 100 Rupee quiz, because i should be giving what i am getting, right ?
Once again, i thank the TIME person of the year 2006 for this.
Update: Just heard that I am not supposed to disclose my adsense earnings according to the adsense terms and conditions.

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Earning Money from google ads through adsense

Another month has gone by after implementing good adsense on my blog and the news can't get any better. I started off with adsense in November and i had posted my huge earnings from adsense for that month.
This month, the increase in earnings has been phenomenal. I have earned 236,023.47 ROL (Romanian Lei). The figure 236,023.47 is indeed huge. I expected to break the million barrier this month, but did not. Although a quarter of a million is something i can't complain about. For those not from the european continent (eg: americans) who do not know about the existence of a country called Romania, the figure above transtaltes to 9.27 USD. Its almost a 500% jump from the 1.6 USD last month.

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Friday, December 01, 2006

Earning Money Through Google Adsense

It's been a month since i started putting Google Ads through AdSense on my site. So, i thought i shall announce to the world the huge sum of money i have earned in one month. To be exact, I have earned 16,505.77 Indonesian Rupees in the past one month. I chose this currency, because i felt embarrased to say that i have earned 1.8 USD in one month. The first figure looked impressive!
Well, i didn't expect to earn millions through Google Adsense. Also, during late october my site's PR (Page Rank) dropped from 5 to 3, probably because my site was down for almost 3 weeks when i was moving hosts.
Keep reading, soon I expect to reach the magical 100,000 mark, this time in Romanian Leis!!!

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